Avast Antivirus
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Powerful free antivirus1014.8

How do I renew Avast for one more year free of charge?

After downloading Avast can be used for free without any financial investment – to do this, you need to go through the procedure of registering a license for 1 year. To renew your subscription, follow the same steps as for registration:

Enter the Settings menu.

Войдите в меню «Настройки»  

Open the “Subscription” tab and click “Register”.

Откройте вкладку «Подписка» и нажмите «Зарегистрироваться».

Select the “Avast Antivirus Free” license in the pop-up window.

Во всплывающем окне укажите лицензию «Avast Antivirus Free».

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